Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing fine, I am not sure if I posted on the right place, if not I am sorry I can delete it or remove!
Title says it all, I have .mq4 file thats a EA, when I add this file to Expert Advisor it just works fine but I want to make it to .ex4 file
I opened it with Meta Editor and clicked compile, after that a .ex4 file came to that folder, I tried adding that .ex4 file to Expert Advisor but when I try to add to EA to chart it just doesnt show anything.
I can show what it shows after trying to compile:
1. test.mq4 <-- source code
- When meta editor opens click file - new. Select Expert advisor - next - give it a name and then finish. Some text will appear in meta editor. You have now created an MQ4 file. This page is where you type text. Before adding anything, press compile. You have now converted the mq4 to an ex4.
- Pertama untuk file yang.mq4 harus di compile dulu caranya klik 2 kali aja atau klik kanan-open with-metaeditor, setlah terbuka pilih deh compile yang ada di metaeditor tsb, fungsi ini untuk merubah format.mq4 ke.ex4.
EX4 to MQ4 Decompiler 19.19 Posted by torngabeng 15 Comments Pada kesempatan kali ini saya mau bagikan sebuah software yang bisa mengubah EX4 jadi MQ4 tapi untuk cara pakai serta mengeditnya silahkan tanyakan pada yang alhi atau yang suka eksperimen tentang EA karena saya terus terang masih belajar. Selanjutnya copy file custom indikator yang diunduh sebelumnya, lalu paste-kan ke folder indicators. File indikator biasanya memiliki nama ekstensi “.mq4” atau “.ex4” Terakhir buka MetaTrader lalu login. Indikator yang tadi dipasang bisa ditemukan di bagian kiri atas.
4. 'WinUser32.mqh'
5. 0 errors, 0 warnings, 300 msec elapsed
It shows 0 errors, but not sure why it doesnt work when I try to run it
Thanks in advance for everyone that will try to help me!