Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin

2015-Click-Changefree This plugin offers a large number of products to finalize your kitchen projects. Each component is dynamic and can of change appearance with a simple click !more info
2ptCircle$6.00 Create a 2D circle by specifying the diameter end points. The circle will directly face the Camera.more info
2ptPerspective$6.00 Quickly change the Camera setting, via 3 options, to obtain a 2 point perspectivemore info
3DTextTool$12.00 Create 3D Text without ever leaving SketchUp! Just type the Text string you want, pick your Font, click OK. Edit capability too. Now works with Pro and Google SketchUp!more info
3ptCircle$6.00 3ptCircle will create a circle through triangulation. After you choose three points, the circle will be created to fit those points.more info
AddConstructionPoint$4.00 Add Construction points anywhere by left clicking.more info
AddPagesfree Add pages orthographicallymore info
AnimatedClock$4.00 Impress your coworkers with an Animated Clock! (It keeps accurate time too!) more info
ApplyTofree Apply a component definition to selected component instances.more info
ArrayTofree Utility script to convert array elements to numbers. Used by other scripts.more info
AttribReporterfree Creates BOM Reports To Spreadsheetmore info
Attributesfree Creates and reads object attributes, applies attributes from one object to anothermore info
BasecampBundle$297.00 Get everything Smustard has to offer (as of 1 June 2008), for one low price! A $335 value!more info
Bombfree Explodes all groups and components in the model.more info
CADLayers$6.00 Export layer states from AutoCAD and import into SketchUpmore info
CameraControlsfree Control camera pan, tilt, and roll with sliders and text input (PC only for now)more info
CameraDistancefree Find the distance from the current camera to the nearest point on an object in the line of sightmore info
CameraLinesfree Creates a group of lines that connect the eye points of all page camerasmore info
CenterPointfree Add a construction point to the middle of your selection.more info
ChamferAlongPathfree Select joined lines, arcs, circles, curves and Chamfer Along Pathmore info
CloseOpens$20.00 This script looks for lines that are supposed to touch and don't, and then draws a line connecting the open segments. This is one of several good CAD cleanup scripts.more info
ColorBySlopefree This script paints faces based on their slope.more info
ColorByZfree Color By Z paints faces based on their centerpoint's Z height. It uses colors selected by the user.more info
CubicPanoOutfree Exports JPG cube images for the creation of panoramas.more info
CurveStitcherfree Create edges & faces between two selected curvesmore info
DashedLines$20.00 Converts regular lines to dashed lines. Choose from several patterns.more info
DeleteCoplanarfree Delete coplanar edges from the modelmore info
DeleteShortLines$10.00 This script will remove those annoying little lines that overshot their target. Good for use with CAD cleanup chores.more info
DropGCfree Drop groups/components to face belowmore info
EverythingBundle2010$22.00 This supplement to the BasecampBundle includes extensions added to Smustard from June 2008 through November 2009more info
EverythingBundle2014$20.00 This supplement to the BasecampBundle and EverythingBundle 2010 includes everything added to Smustard from 2010 through December 2013.more info
ExplodeImplode$20.00 exim.rb allows you to quickly create exploded parts drawings. It will put them back together too.more info
Exploder$5.00 Explode recursively a group or component contents.more info
ExtendCloseLines$20.00 A CAD cleanup script. This script will find lines that are fall short of touching their intended target and extend them in a straight line to touch their intended target.more info
ExtrapolateColorsfree This script finds materials used within a selection of faces, and then randomly applies those same materials to all selected faces that have no material already applied.more info
FixAspectRatiofree Fixes the aspect ratio of the current view to remove gray bars from displaymore info
FixGroupNamesfree This scripts fixes a problem with exporting a model with Groups defined to AutoCAD.more info
Flatten$10.00 Flattens 3D objects to 2D, placing all entities on the Z=0 plane. more info
FlightPathfree Easily create walkthrough or flyby videos.more info
FlightPath2$7.00 Easily create walkthrough or flyby videos. Additional features!more info
FloatTolerancefree For Developers - Adds method '=~' to Float class to check for equality within tolerancemore info
Geomfree For Developers - Adds Geom::Line and Geom::Polygon classes and associated methodsmore info
GoldenGaugefree Create a vertical grid (2x2) proportioned to the golden sectionmore info
GraphItfree Graph equations in Sketchupmore info
Greeble2free Add Greebles to faces as a quick way to add detail to a model.more info
GroupByLayerfree Explodes all groups and components, then regroups all entities by layermore info
GroupByTexturefree Groups faces by texture for export to other 3D softwaremore info
HideAllfree Hide all unselected Objects in your modelmore info
HideToolfree Left click to hide anything and everything you click onmore info
Instancesfree Select all instances of a selected componentmore info
IntersectOverlaps$20.00 Causes lines that cross and do not intersect to intersect.more info
JoinByZfree Joins edges having common z-coordinatesmore info
LabelCurvefree Adds text labels to start and end vertices of selected curvesmore info
LayerChangefree Control the Active Layer by Right Clicking a Selectionmore info
LinearLength$4.00 Calcuates the linear length of all selected edges.more info
Loose2Groupsfree Make groups of loose geometry.more info
MakeFacesfree Makefaces.rb loops through your model and creates faces where faces need to be created. more info
Midpointfree Places construction point at the midpoint between two selected pointsmore info
MoveToOriginfree Quickly move your whole model or the selection to the Originmore info
MoveToOriginAndCenterfree Moves the entire selection to the axis origin, and places the models center at the origin.more info
NightSky$8.00 NightSky adds sunrise and sunset effects to the Shadow Info slider SketchUp 6 or highermore info
NoteCameraPoint$4.00 NoteCameraPoint will place a construction point and a Text label at the current Camera Location in space.more info
Nudge$16.00 Nudge (move) objects via the ARROW keys small or large distances. Updated for SketchUp 2014.more info
Offsetfree For Developers - Adds offset method to faces and curves for ruby pluginsmore info
PageExIm$5.00 Export and import scenes between modelsmore info
PageHide$5.00 Hide selected entities on pages quickly and easilymore info
PageLayersfree Control layer visibility in pages/scenesmore info
PageUtilities$5.00 Three scripts for one low price! Smooth transitions between pages for constant speed, and edit transition times or delay times page by pagemore info
PageUtilities2$7.00SketchUp 6 or higher. Two scripts for one low price! Smooth transitions between pages for constant speed, and edit each scene's transition times or delay times in a NEW webDialog box.more info
Parkingfree Create parking lot lines with two clicksmore info
PathCopyfree Copy groups or components along a path, at set spacing or node spacingmore info
PathCopyPro$5.00 Copy a group or component along a pathmore info
PointOnFacefree For Developers - Adds method .on_face?(face,include_boundary) to Geom::Point3d classmore info
PresentationBundle$14.00 5 Scripts - save $3.00! Includes FlightPath2, PageExIm, TransitionTimeEditor, PageDelayEditor, and PageSmoothermore info
PresentationBundle2$16.00SketchUp 6 or higher. Four Scripts - save $3.00! Includes FlightPath2, PageExIm, and the PageUtilities2 scriptsmore info
ProgressBarfree Displays a progress bar on the status line while a script is running. Several scripts need this script to run. It may also be used by other script writers.more info
RemoveMaterialsfree A Script that quickly removes all assigned materials from a selection.more info
Repaint$3.00 Use menu selections to replace one color or texture with another.more info
RepeatCopy$10.00 Quickly add copies of selected components by pointing and clicking in the model.more info
ReverseFacesfree After activating the tool, a left click will reverse any face. Allows for faster management of backwards faces.more info
ReversePaintfree Swap faces' front and back orientation and materialmore info
RoofPaintfree Easily paint sloped or vertical faces.more info
Rotate3Dfree Easily rotate groups and components in 3D space by selecting a center of rotation, original orientation point, and desired orientation pointmore info
SceneExporterfree Export scenes to jpeg imagemore info
SceneExporterPro$10.00 Export scenes to image filesmore info
SceneRenamefree Quickly renumber and/or rename Scene Tabsmore info
SelectAtStartupfree Activates the select tool at startup and when starting a new file or opening an existing filemore info
SelectionMemoryfree Allows user to set and recall a selection set. For recall, set can be outside the current group/component.more info
SelectionMemory2$5.00 Access up to 20 previous selection sets SketchUp 6 or highermore info
SketchUVfree UV mapping toolsmore info
SmustardToolbarfree Toolbar for Sketchup that gives access to the Smustard website and to your purchasesmore info
Stitcherfree Creates a surface between two curves.more info
StrayLinesfree Label, Select, Delete or Show all the open-ended line segments in a drawing. This is an EXCELLENT script for assessing how much cleaning up an imported CAD drawing will need. more info
SUAPIHelpMenufree Add The complete ruby API to the Help menu.more info
TextLabelOverride$8.00 TextLabelOverride allows you to change the default text for Text Notes that use Leaders. more info
TextureHelper$12.00 Simple single-click rotation, scaling, and arrow-key positioning of textures on faces.more info
ToDoList$8.00 Add a to-do list to a model SketchUp 6 or highermore info
ToggleBreakEdgesfree Toggles the BreakEdges functionality of SketchUp 7+more info
ToggleText$4.00 Toggle text visibility in SketchUp 7+more info
ToolbarBuilderDemofree Build custom toolbars for your Ruby scripts and plugins (requires SketchUp 8m2 or higher)more info
ViewMemoryfree Stores up to 20 previous views. May not work with MAC OS.more info
Weldfree Joins connected edges into a 'polyline'.more info
Windowizer3free Creates storefront windows from selected facesmore info
Windowizer4$10.00 Creates full 3D storefront windows from selected faces - Sketchup 6 and upmore info
Xlinefree Convert edges to construction linesmore info

Modela en sketchup tus planos de autocad con este plugin. Plugin make face en mega:!Ej4H1RbY!wtkODZVmzOjYst6EWDuzp0xXFqKeyOBqG9X6-vQuo8. Wonder How To is your guide to free how to videos on the Web. Search, Browse and Discover the best how to videos across the web using the largest how to video index on the web. 1001 Bit Tools (the freeware version) Download. It has 39 helpful tools, some are very necessary if you model interiors like I do. Since there are so many tools in this plugin, here’s a detailed tutorial for this plugin by Sketchup Essentials but I’ll show you a couple of things that I love about this tool in my video. Use the Outer Shell and Trim solid tools plus linear array, the 2 Point Arc and s4u Make Face extension to model a Pacman ghost ornament that can be 3D printed.

Download s4u sketchup extensions series from extension warehouse


Suforyou develops a series of s4u extensions for sketchup. Given below detailed descriptions of these plugins :-

s4u Slice 3.0: This sketchup extension supports sketchup 8, sketchup 2013, sketchup 2014 and sketchup 2015. The sketchup users can apply this sketchup extension to slice, cut and detach objects as well as arrange plane with 2 points or 3 points and insert section faces.

Download s4u Slice

Watch the demo:-

s4u Import DXF 1.0: It is compatible with SketchUp 8, SketchUp 2013, SketchUp 2014, SketchUp 2015. This sketchup extension can be used to import DXF file follow segment number involving Mline,Ellipse,Spline,Polyline,Circle,Arc,Line,3dface.

Download s4u Import DXF

Watch the live video

s4u LineTool 1.0: This sketchup extension is well matched with SketchUp 8, SketchUp 2013, SketchUp 2014 and SketchUp 2015. The sketchup users can utilize it to sketch line from 2 points as well as input length through easy to use function like + ,-,*,/ and snap points with 1/3 Line ,2/3 Line , Center Face.

Download s4u LineTool

Live demonstration of s4u LineTool 1.0

s4u Make Box 1.0: s4u Make Box for sketchup is well suited SketchUp 8, SketchUp 2013, SketchUp 2014, SketchUp 2015. This sketchup extension is useful for creating box out of select 4 points. : Select 3 points+ input height - select 3 points+ last height (Enter). Input length through easy to use function like + ,-,*,/ as well as snap points: 1/3 Line ,2/3 Line , Center Face.

Plugins For Sketchup 2016

Download s4u Make Box

Watch the demo :-

All the above extensions are accessible from sketchup extension warehouse.

Make Faces Google Sketchup Plugin Downloads

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