Trinity Admin Addon 4.0.6

Trinity Admin Addon 4.0.6

Gm Addon Wow

-=[ Revision 19 - 4/13/2010]=-
  • Find the 2021-2022 school calendar here. The calendar was adopted by the Board of Education on April 6, 2021.
  • › See More: MarsAdmin 7.3.5 GM ADDON GMGENIE TRINITYADMINMANGOSADMIN Related Threads - Scroll Down after related threads if you are only interested to view replies for above post/thread 21-08-20, 04:01 AM #2.

- FIX issue 36 WHO tab overlap

Version: 4.0.6 Hey can u add is the rank in the leaderboard that you want to show on this sign. This is the position of the player in the leaderboard, for example 1. Continue with Google Continue with Apple. If you continue with Google or Apple and don't already have a account, you are creating an account and you.

- FIX issue 35 TICKET - Online list not working
- FIX issue with Nil object error in tele scrolling on startup
- FIX Ticket scrolling issue reported by Kitharo
- ADD MISC tab, checkbox for Chat Output. When off (default), TrinityAdmin does not display output of most
commands in chat window (for example, .server info) but does display the results in the appropriate part
of TrinityAdmin. When ON, both TrinityAdmin native AND chatwindow outputs are displayed.
- ADD MISC tab, an editbox to specify how often the Diff graph (on Server tab) is updated. 4000 (~1 minute) is default.
Addon- It is reported that r19 with Chat Output ON allows all the chat window clickable links to work properly. Please verify.

Wow Trinity Core

- It is also reported that deDe clients with deDe selected in TrintiyAdmin and deDe selected in Core is now working properly.

Addons For 3.3.5a
